Mobile Number Portability Spain

Mobile Number Portability


Keep your mobile phone number when changing networks
Port your mobile phone number NOW

What is Mobile Number Portability (MNP)?

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in Spain allows you to keep your existing mobile telephone number when switching from one mobile phone network provider to ONO in Spain.

Your mobile telephone number is important to you. Therefore it is important that you can retain this mobile telephone number if you decide to switch to ONO in Spain.

Keeping your mobile telephone number is easy. The transfer of your mobile phone number from one mobile phone network provider to ONO is termed porting your mobile phone number. Rules for porting your mobile phone number differ between countries and full instructions for porting your mobile phone number can be found here on We currently have mobile number portability instructions for countries worldwide and are adding more regularly.

The benefits of keeping your mobile phone number are obvious: You do not have to tell everyone in your contacts list your new mobile phone number should you switch to ONO.

Switching to ONO offers many benefits too. Maybe your network service is poor in your area and ONO may offer a better network service. Perhaps ONO is offering a better pricing structure (called a tariff). There are multiple reasons why you may want to switch from one mobile phone network provider to ONO. The important part is that you can keep your existing mobile phone number using mobile number portability. Use our handy tool to get full mobile number portability instructions from one mobile phone network provider to ONO in Spain.

Why Switch to ONO using Mobile Number Portability (MNP)?

Switching to ONO is likely to save you money!

As mobile phone technology improves and becomes cheaper, and with increased competition among the mobile phone operators, the result is cheaper mobile phone tariffs, added extra benefits and more mobile phone provider retention offers. If you want to move from one mobile phone network provider to ONO you will be able to keep your mobile phone number only if you follow the mobile number portability (MNP) process.

The only way to keep your mobile phone number is using Mobile Number Portability (MNP).

Mobile Number Portability

We know your mobile phone number is important to you. Don't lose it! Take it with you to ONO using Mobile Number Portability (MNP).